Theoretical Run on Sentence

“If I had a dog that I was really attached to, you know like Nova, and I had rats, I would inject them with the genes of jellyfish and lobsters because jellyfish and lobsters are genetically immortal.”

It took me a minute ,I know with the ‘Huh’ look on my face. You have to really use rdeductive reasoning skills here. Let me interpret:

If I had a dog that I was very fond of and didn’t want it to ever die and I had experimental lab rats; I would inject the lab rats with the genes of jellyfish and lobsters because they are genetically immortal to see if I could theoretically create an immortal lab rat GMO-type hybrid to perfect the process before I conducted the same said experiment on my dog that I love so much so it will be immortal and never die.

“….So it would be here for my whole life and my kids and their kids….”

(I repeated this sentece in my head over and over so I could run to the PC before I lost it. lol)

So if you happen to be a dog that he is not so attached to; you are on your own. Which could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on your point of view. 🙂